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A is for alive(p), aluminum and approval.
B is for band, backward and bacterial.
C is for clerk.
D is for displace, division and desperately.
E is for embrace, entity and eye.
F is for federal government.
G is for graph.
H is for handsome and honor.
I is for incomplete and illumine.
J is for jesus christ and just.
K is for korea, know and kind.
L is for lower-middle-class and look into.
M is for mixed.
N is for named.
O is for on the other hand.
P is for populate, preaching and put.
Q is for quack(a).
R is for rush, rattle and root.
S is for settle and small town.
T is for thrill, talk and tap.
U is for uneasy.
V is for valid.
W is for way of life.
X is for x ray.
Y is for yr.
Z is for zinc.
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faller means
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